The Name's Blog, Web-Log

Having successfully survived the initial craze of blogging , i'll have to admit that this was rather unexpected. Yet here i find myself, having created a blog and now about to publish my first post.
Kind of like losing your virginity, though not quite as exciting.
Honestly, i've never really understood the concept of a blog, but i'm hoping to learn soon enough.
Journals and diaries have inherently been a very private affair, so the concept of a public journal is rather ingenious.
I recently even heard the term "Blook" being used, which, in case you don't know or haven't already guessed, is some sort of book written and published via a blog. I'm sure they could have coined a better name for it. Quite a novel idea (forgive the bad pun) anyway and i think it might actually help aspiring writers like myself. After all, when you're going to be an engineer you really have to consider alternative career options.
So if there's a slump in the IT industry at any point in time, watch this space for a potential blestseller blook. blog on.


Siddhartha said…
been several years...but u havent lost any of that old pls rewire the settings to allow anonymous commenting!
Anonymous said…
you made sid go 'ooo' !!
Anonymous said…
p.s.--blogs are also great for school secrets.
Anonymous said…
i quite agree!
also, a pop-up comment window is a much better idea. saves lazy people like me the trouble of navigating back.
Anonymous said…
looks like the junta cant wait for your next post, arjun...guys i cant believe that you all are so obssessed with MY past...i wasnt exactly carlos the jackal!...gettalife!
Anonymous said…
impressive start i must say :)

Aditya said…
hey...good stuff...i like ur style...

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