Sing for the Moment

What do you get when you put together a crowd of tone deaf wierdos, a politically correct set of three obnoxious judges, and a sprinkling of tuneful saviours?

Well, anyone watching the intitial auditions of american idol for the first time might well be of the opinion that this is the greatest freak show on earth. This, my faithful readers, is america in all it's pitiful glory.

Don't be surprised to see people turning up in front of the judges wearing battle armor, bathrobes, or even entire suits that look like they've been stitched out of an american flag. And you haven't even heard these lunatics sing yet.
When out of a crowd of 16000 that turn up for auditions, only 7 make it to the next round, something is seriously WRONG.

The saving grace being that it gets a lot better in the later rounds when the aforementioned tuneful saviours are belting it out, and if you're a fan of really good english music, you're in for a treat.

needless to say, i love music and i'm addicted to the show. i honestly cannot wait for the threshing process to finish and for them to get on with the serious singing (and of course i shall continue to listen attentively in eager anticipation of simon's next caustic remark).

Let the music play.


Anupam Pande said…
we must create a parody.. (a rip-off, if u will) AMERICAN IDLE.
Anupam Pande said…
and how about givin it up for simon!
Arjun said…
simon rocks!!
Anonymous said…
and how about givin it up for anupam!
Anupam Pande said…
whoa! honoured. indeed.

p.s. where've u been? other than goa....

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