
No, we're not dead yet. Just comatose. Nearly ten months on since my last post and i still have nothing worthwhile to write about.
Considering that a large number of rather significant events have occurred during this period including graduation, a vacation to the far east and the start of my working career, the lack of posts is quite inexcusable.
To add to the misery of writer's block, there seems to be a tremendous scarcity of interesting women around.
(And i say this with all due respect to the women of the world, for everyone is interesting in their own way.)
Not just that, but for some inexplicable reason, the precious few that Are around are either committed, engaged or married.

Which brings us to the obvious question of, "Are they interesting because they are committed, or are they committed because they are interesting?".
Not that this profound thought leads us anywhere either, but i'm getting pretty convinced that my lack of inspiration can be as easily attributed to the dearth of interesting women as to an unstimulating environment (the unlimited caffeine supply at work doesnt quite hit the spot).

I honestly hope that this random post gets the metaphorical ink flowing as well as preventing the powers that be from putting my blog to sleep once and for all.


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