That Funny Feeling

Is it just me or has anyone else ever woken up the morning after a night of binge drinking and thought cautiously, 'hey this is awesome... no hangover!' only to realize that the sole reason for that is because you're still drunk. Party's still on! You celebrate. Only until the hangover does set in a little later, of course.

Now a hangover in my opinion is in the same league as the common cold. Everyone gets it at some point in their lives, and science has yet to discover a cure. The last bit I find particularly disconcerting considering the supposedly immense progress made by medical science in recent times. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that some prudish person in a position of authority decided one day that all hangover cures are to be kept secret. "Let the people regret their sins", he must have said, followed by an evil laugh and a bout of coughing.

Now in a twisted kind of way, it's good we have hangovers. No matter how blurry the previous night's details may seem, this is the one thing that reminds you of what a great party that was. Apart from any unwanted tattoos you might have got of course. Those aren't going to fade away the next day. The hangover also gives you the cool excuse of telling that to people the next day to explain why you look like you got hit by a truck, or why your voice sounds like you're dying.

It invokes a sense of interest in most listeners, who'll invariably ask you what you drank and lend you their sympathies or provide kind advice about not mixing alcoholic beverages, all the while feeling quietly jealous that they weren't invited. And of course, there's that warm fuzzy feeling when you see someone the morning after in as bad a condition as you, and compare notes about how much you threw up last night, or proudly proclaim how much you drank without throwing up. Ah, good times. Cheers to hangovers!


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